Friendship Challenge
The Beaver Scout must complete four requirements, at least one from each area.
Caring for others
- know what to do in an emergency, including calling 999
- understand how to change simple activities to cater for all needs
- take part in an activity to help the elderly
- take part in an activity to help the community
- raise funds for a good cause.
People far away
- find out about four different aspects of life in another country. For example: national costume, food, currency or climate etc
- as a Colony, create a link with another Colony or similar in a different country.
Meeting other people
- find out about the job or interest of someone in their community, such as a religious leader, dentist, a musician etc
- arrange a visit to or from someone who serves the community. For example – a police officer, lifeboat crew, coastguard, fire fighter etc
- join in activities with another Colony.