Expedition Challenge Award

Expedition Challenge

Expedition Challenge

The Adventure Company sponsor the Scout Expedition Challenge badge. Some great resources will shortly be available to help Scouts gain their badge.

Complete the activities in one of the following two areas:

Area 1 – Expedition: A journey with a purpose

Take part in an expedition over two days (including a night away) with at least three friends. Be involved in the planning of the expedition, complete relevant training and be properly prepared.

During the expedition:

  1. Play a full part in the team.
  2. Journey for at least four hours each day.
  3. Use a map to keep track of where you are.
  4. Stay overnight at a hostel or other suitable venue, or camp overnight at a suitable site.
  5. Cook the evening meal and breakfast.
  6. Achieve at least one goal, agreed with your Leader before the expedition.

The expedition may be on foot, canoe, cycle or sailing boat. Other options may be appropriate, and should be agreed beforehand.


Scouts must be supervised taking into account their preparation, training and level of experience. This may mean that certain legs are ‘led’ by young people themselves for information/ project purposes.

As a minimum, supervision involves a visual check on departure and at the end of each day, and being in the area of the activity.

The Scout Association Permit Scheme applies to certain land terrains and classifications of water. To lead a nights away experience, a young person is required to hold a nights away event passport.

Area 2 – Exploration: A purpose with a journey

Take part in an exploration over two days (including a night away) with at least three friends, and report or present your findings. You must be involved in the planning of the exploration, complete relevant training and be properly prepared.

You must have completed some initial research into the subject to be investigated. The challenge should take place somewhere you have never been before or don’t know well.

During the exploration:

  1. Play a full part in the team.
  2. Travel for at least 90 minutes to a hostel, campsite or other suitable venue.
  3. Use a map to keep track of where you are.
  4. Conduct the exploration within an agreed area (discussed with a leader in advance) collecting evidence and information for the report or presentation.
  5. Stay overnight at the venue and cook the evening meal and breakfast.
  6. Complete the exploration before returning home.
  7. Have the report or presentation ready within four weeks of the exploration.

The journey may be on foot, or by public transport, canoe, cycle, aircraft, wheelchair or boat. Other options may be possible and should be agreed beforehand.